Where women’s voices rise, and the future is not only envisioned, but realized.

Women, Unfiltered

Direct Positive began as a documentary film — to share stories of women leaders and give voice to the need for more women to lead the way in our communities and workplaces.

During our interviews with 17 women leaders, we discovered more stories than we could reveal in our original film. Women who inspired us as they challenged the status quo and forged new paths. Women who, right now, are bringing more women up alongside them.

Click below to discover the insights and inspiration of these TEMPO leaders.

Meet the Women

A Positive Partnership

The Direct Positive Project is born of a partnership between Bader Rutter, a Milwaukee-based advertising and marketing agency, and TEMPO, a membership organization dedicated to furthering the impact of women leaders. We share a commitment to ensuring women’s voices are heard — and a vision to see more women in leadership roles. We hope the stories shared here inspire you as they continue to inspire us.



What does a camera from 1902 reveal about women today?
What does it mean to be a Direct Positive – In an image or in life?
How do you feel about being absolutely unfiltered?
Welcome to The Direct Positive Project
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